Konferencje biomedyczne w 2020 r.
Konferencja | Miejsce konferencji | Data | Strona www |
Warsaw Medical Expo | Warszawa, Polska | 04-05.12.2020 termin przesunięty - wiosna 2021 | https://warsawmedicalexpo.com/
Global Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics | Frankfurt, Germany | 23-24.11.2020 | https://www.scientificfederation.com/gcbemp-2020/
The 20th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE) | Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | 26-28.10.2020 | https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/50027
2 edycja Kongresu "Zdrowie Polaków" | Warszawa , Poland | 26-27.10.2020 | https://kongres-zdrowiepolakow.pl/2-kongres-zdrowie-polakow/
5 edycja Kongresu 590 | Jesionka k. Rzeszowa , Poland | 21-23.10.2020 | https://kongres590.pl/aktualnosci/5-edycja-kongresu-590/
The 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS2020) | Seoul, Republic of Korea | 25-28.10.2020 | http://www.machinelearningconf.org/
The 14th International Conference on Diagnostics of Processes and Systyems (DPS) | Zielona Góra, Polska | 21-23.09.2020 | https://www.dps2020.uz.zgora.pl/
XLVII ESAO Congress | Uxbridge, UK | 08-12.09.2020 | http://www.esao2020.org/
41. Konferencja Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Biostatystyki Klinicznej | Kraków, Polska | 23-27.08.2020 | https://iscb2020.info/
24th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2020 | Orlando, Florida, USA | 12-15.07.2020 | http://www.iiis2020.org/wmsci/website/default.asp?vc=1
IMPLANTY 2020: koncepcja a realia we współczesnych rozwiązaniach | Gdańsk, Poland | 18-19.06.2020 | https://mech.pg.edu.pl/konferencja-implanty
EMBEC 2020, 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference | Portoroz, Slovenia | 14-18.06.2020 | http://www.embec2020.org/
ASAIO 66th Annual Conference | Chicago, IL, USA | 10-13.06.2020 | https://asaio.com/annual-conference/66th-annual-conference-chicago-il-june-2020/
11th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE 2020) | Okayama Convention Center, Japan | 25-27.05.2020 | http://apcmbe2020.jsmbe.org/
I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Młodych Naukowców "Inspirująca Burza Intelektów Biomedycznych" | Warszawa, Polska | 08.05.2020 | https://www.facebook.com/ibib.konf
8th International Meet on Cancer | Miami, USA | 16-17.04.2020 | https://www.scientificfederation.com/cancer-2020/
X konferencja im. gen. bryg. dr. hab. n. med. Wojciecha Lubińskiego | Warszawa, Polska | 04.2020 | https://wimcon.wim.mil.pl/
3rd World Conference and Expo on Biomedical Engineering | Valencia, Spain | 19-20.03.2020 | https://www.scientificfederation.com/biomedical-engineering-2020/
ESAO Winter School 2020 "Materials, Surfaces & Cells:Science & Technology for Bio Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering" | Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany | 26-29.02.2020 | https://www.esao.org/events/winterschool/ |