Konferencje biomedyczne w 2022 r.
Konferencja | Miejsce konferencji | Data | Strona www |
7 edycja Kongresu 590 | Rzeszów , Poland | 17-18.11.2022 | https://kongres590.pl/
III edycja Środkowoeuropejskiego Forum Technologicznego | Wrocław , Poland | 24-25.10.2022 | https://cetef.eu/
4 edycja Kongresu "Zdrowie Polaków" | Warszawa , Poland | 17-18.10.2022 | https://kongres-zdrowiepolakow.pl/
XLVIII ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR ARTIFICIAL ORGANS | Krems , Austria - w związku z rosyjską inwazją na Ukrainę zmiana miejsca / Due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, change of venue | 06-10.09.2022 | https://www.esao.org/esao2022/ ; http://esao2022.org/
the 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference | Glasgow, United Kingdom | 11-15.07.2022 | https://embc.embs.org/2022/
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) European Chapter 2022 | Kraków, Poland | 28.06-01.07.2022 | https://eu2022.termis.org/
ICBEM-ICEBI-EIT 2022 International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Electrical Bioimpedance and Electrical Impedance Tomography | Seoul, South Korea | 28.06-01.07.2022 | https://icbem-icebi-eit-2022.org/
9th International Conference Information Technology in Biomedicine ITiB 2022 | Kamień Śląski , Poland | 20-22.06.2022 | http://itib.polsl.pl/
IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2022 (IUPESM WC2022) | Hybrid! - Singapore, Republic of Singapore | 12-17.06.2022 | https://wc2022.org/
The 10th edition of European Young Engineers Conference (EYEC) | Warsaw, Poland | 04-06.06.2022 | http://eyec.ichip.pw.edu.pl/
NanoTech Poland 2022 | Poznan, Poland | 01-03.06.2022 | http://nanotpl.home.amu.edu.pl/
the Global Conference on Biomaterials (Biomaterials-2022) | London, United Kingdom | 16-18.05.2022 | https://www.pagesconferences.com/biomaterials/
Lung Science Conference 2022 | Estoril, Portugal | 10-13.03.2022 | https://www.ersnet.org/events/lung-science-conference-2022/ |